Bad Habits That Hold You Back From Your Best Self
Bad Habits That Hold You Back From Your Best Self
“You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” ~John C. Maxwell.
We all have bad habits. The problem is that many of our habits are so deeply ingrained that we don’t even notice them anymore. If we do, we make excuses to hang onto them.
Some of these habits could be harmful to you, and may even be holding you back from reaching your potential. If you have any of the following common habits, now is the chance to nip them in the bud as the year is running to an end and become the best version of you possible in another year!
* Over eating - (stressful binge eating...)
* Being a pushover - (never saying "no"...)
* Neglecting yourself (not taking good care of yourself...)
* Spending too much money (spending when you feel depressed...
* Stressing out - (over things you know you can't change...)
* Being a workaholic - (trying to be/do everything for everyone...)
* Gaming too much - (playing video games for hours on end...)
* Procrastinating - (putting off things you should be doing...)
* Being chronically late - (to the point it harms job and relationships)
* Being a "yes" person - (too weak willed to say "no" to anyone...)
* Negative thinking - (nothing good ever happens to me...)
* Losing your temper - (without good cause...)
* Neglecting your health - (you are too lazy to bother...)
* Neglecting your family - (don't take the time for them...)
* Blaming others for your problems - (not taking responsibility...)
* Smoking or Drinking - (endangering your health and wellness...)
* Doing Drugs - (trying to use drugs to avoid problems...)
* Nail biting - (which is not healthy and makes you look out of control...)
* Watching too much TV - (you don't care about wasting all this time...)
* Computer addictions - (you get tied up in a fantasy world...)
* Compulsive shopping - (spending money on things you don't need..)
* Lying - (telling tales and even hurting people with malicious gossip!)
1. Caring too much about what others think
2. Emotional eating.
3. Not acting on your dreams.
4. Always wanting the last word.
5. Living in the past or the future.
Have a great day.
Forgiveness- The Secret to Healing The Soul.
Hi Everyone,
Learning to Forgive
We all harbour the wish to heal our emotional wounds. What exactly is forgiveness?
Forgiveness is not just saying "I forgive you."It is an active, conscious decision to let go of anger, resentment and bitterness, and to do so regardless of whether the object of anger seems worthy of being forgiven.
In fact, the moment you form a thought of forgiveness, the process of forgiveness will already begun. Forgiveness calm stress levels, leading to improved health. As you clear your head-space of feelings of hostility, you being to feel empathy, compassion, and sometimes even affection for the person who wronged you.
When faced with a forgiveness dilemma, practice using the following:
1. Accept- Forgiveness that is rooted in the insight that no one is perfect will bring you some healing even if the other person never apologizes.
2. Visualize- The more you envisage sending love to others, the greater your own positive energy levels.
3. Empathize- Put yourself in the other party's position Do not be quick to judge others or take things personally. In some situations, it's not possible to empathize with the other person. But it is always possible to empathize with yourself, which means giving yourself the gift of letting go.
Have a great day.
Same Adversity, Different Results, One Lesson
Not many of us are able to avoid challenges (at times beyond our control) but what is within our control, is how do we manage it..
Once there was a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed.
Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the third pot.
He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing.
After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl.
He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?”
“Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” she hastily replied.
“Father, what does this mean?” she asked.
He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity– the boiling water.
However, each one reacted differently.
“Which are you,” he asked his daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean? “
Moral:In life, things happen around us, things happen to us, but the only thing that truly matters is what happens within us.
Which one are you?
Once there was a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed.
Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the third pot.
He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing.
After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl.
He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?”
“Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” she hastily replied.
“Look closer,” he said, “and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft.
He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.
Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face.
He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.
Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face.
“Father, what does this mean?” she asked.
He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity– the boiling water.
However, each one reacted differently.
The potato went in strong, hard, and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak.
The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard.
However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new.
The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard.
However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new.
“Which are you,” he asked his daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean? “
Moral:In life, things happen around us, things happen to us, but the only thing that truly matters is what happens within us.
Which one are you?
Easy Ways to Learn Anything
I’m sure there are times in life when you feel like you have (nearly) everything figured out harriet, and others when you feel you know nothing at all. But one thing is for sure. We never stop learning. Every experience teaches us something new, and that’s something we can be grateful for. In this ever-changing world, I’m continuously striving to learn new skills, and when I sense any doubt, there are 5 things I like to remind myself of so that I can keep pushing through. I hope they help you too: 1. Focus on one thing Ask yourself: What area of life can I focus on right now? What’s that 1 step I can take today? Choose 1 thing. Study it and shut out the outer world. By being specific and focusing on 1 thing, it’s much easier to avoid feeling overwhelmed and giving up. 2. Don’t be afraid to fail If you want to learn a new language or dance salsa, most likely you’ll have to practice over and over again until you get the right pronunciation or the right moves. So don’t try to avoid feelings of frustration. Embrace uncertainty as part of the process. 3. Try something out of the box If you have an open mind about experimenting with new learning methods, then you’ll love this: Some friends of mine stumbled upon an astonishingly easy and perfectly ethical ‘mind hack’ that lets you master any new skill in just minutes by absorbing the genius of any of the world’s greatest visionaries - all by simply thinking about them! This fascinating method comes from a series of secret psychological experiments performed in 1970 Soviet Russia. I know it sounds strange, and even a littlecrazy, and that’s because it is, but it's definitely worth trying. 4. Connect Simply said: you can’t remember what you don’t connect with. In fact, many memory experts say the best way to remember something is to associate it with something you already know. If there are no mental "hooks" for new knowledge to catch on, it tends to go in one ear and out the other. 5. Enjoy the ride It’s easy to feel frustrated when we feel we’re not making progress, or that things are moving too slowly. Yet, the answer is to forget about the speed of our progress, and instead focus on enjoying the process of learning. When we’re enjoying ourselves, instead of focusing on where we want to be, we can relax and learn faster. We can be grateful for where we are, and for having the opportunity to learn at all. If you’ve fallen down, then acknowledge the progress you’ve made so far. It’s like going on a road trip. Rather than getting anxious about when you’ll arrive at your destination, enjoy the music, the scenery, and the beauty around you. See, learning is an exciting opportunity to experience something new, to play and to have fun ;-) And remember: Knowledge is power, and power is freedom. |
You can tell a lot about a person just by looking at the shape of their fingers, did you know that? It may sound a bit silly and even stupid, but you’d be surprised at how accurate it can be. Just look at the picture and then look at your fingers, are you type A, B or C? Choose your finger shape and read on if you want to find out. You can check your friends’ shape as well and find out a bit more about their personality. Tell us if you agree with the description, mine was spot on!
- You are not very open and you don’t share your feelings easily. You always strive to present yourself much stronger and more independent than you really are.
- You are an emotional person and once you feel connected to someone you can be super fine.
- You despise lies, hypocrisy and dishonesty because it goes against your beliefs.
- You are reserved when it comes to showing emotions and want to appear cool and strong.
- You are known to be a bit eccentric and arrogant. You aren’t very tolerant.
- You have a big heart, and you like to help others. You will finish every task you are given even if you don’t like it.
- You enjoy having a good laugh, and can laugh at anything and everything as long as you are amused, even if it’s not so funny. Your expressions reveal all of your thoughts.
- You are generally cold with people you’re not really close to, but can even be overly emotional to your friends and family.
- You don’t like to be the first one to approach someone or take actions.
- You are very loyal and devoted. If you start falling in love with someone, you will give them your full attention and will always think about them.
- Deep down inside you have a very sensitive soul, although it may not look like that at times. Often people get the wrong idea about you because you are pretending to not know anything in order to protect someone’s feelings.
- You are very committed, once you set your mind on something, you’ll do your best to finish it until the end.
- You’re scared of getting hurt. You want people to think that you don’t need anyone, but you dream of finding your soulmate.
- You will stay calm even when you are feeling extremely uncomfortable about something.
- You easily forget things that make you upset, and you don’t hold a grudge.
- You don’t like unfamiliar territories. It bothers you when you have to deal with anything new and unknown.
- You are respectful towards other people’s opinions.
- You can sometimes come off bossy because your ego is extremely high when arguing with other people. But, you’ll be the first to apologize afterwards.
- You are not very open regarding your problems and feelings, you always keep them to yourself.
- You are very straightforward and you know very well what you like and dislike. You also like people to be able to trust you and depend on you.
Have a great day.
Get rid of unwanted memories from your mind forever
Do you find yourself constantly reliving past events that bring you down?
Some people have been traumatized by social life, some people stuck in bad and violent relationships, some have been traumatized by witnessing horrific events.
Negative emotions including anger, fear and anxiety can also add to one’s forgetfulness and inability to concentrate.
Some memories can be so painful that you just want to forget them.
Are your memories serving as fuel for negative feelings rather than reflections that bring a sense of joy and warmth?
~ Depression
~ Confusion Thinking
~ Inability to express your emotions
~ Fear
~ Worry
Bad Memories Are Affecting People In Many Different And Negative Ways...
As you can imagine, living life with feelings like these, constantly plaguing your life, can be quite taxing on both your mental and physical health.
The first step in getting your life back on track is being honest with yourself. If you find yourself constantly reliving bad memories, you need to do something about it before things escalate.
~ The Truth About Bad Memories
~ Why Bad Memories Are Negatively Affecting Your Life
~ How To Move On
~ Bad Memory Prevention
Getting over a bad memory, is all about, learning how to teach your mind to let your bad memory go, so you can put it in the past, where it truly belongs now.
If things have escalated and you feel as though your ability to function normally has already been drastically affected, there is hope.
Ps: Eradicate Every Bad Memory That Has Ever plagued Your Life Once And For All!
With the confidence,
Get rid of unwanted memories from your mind forever
Do you find yourself constantly reliving past events that bring you down?
Some people have been traumatized by social life, some people stuck in bad and violent relationships, some have been traumatized by witnessing horrific events.
Negative emotions including anger, fear and anxiety can also add to one’s forgetfulness and inability to concentrate.
Some memories can be so painful that you just want to forget them.
Are your memories serving as fuel for negative feelings rather than reflections that bring a sense of joy and warmth?
~ Depression
~ Confusion Thinking
~ Inability to express your emotions
~ Fear
~ Worry
Bad Memories Are Affecting People In Many Different And Negative Ways...
As you can imagine, living life with feelings like these, constantly plaguing your life, can be quite taxing on both your mental and physical health.
The first step in getting your life back on track is being honest with yourself. If you find yourself constantly reliving bad memories, you need to do something about it before things escalate.
~ The Truth About Bad Memories
~ Why Bad Memories Are Negatively Affecting Your Life
~ How To Move On
~ Bad Memory Prevention
Getting over a bad memory, is all about, learning how to teach your mind to let your bad memory go, so you can put it in the past, where it truly belongs now.
If things have escalated and you feel as though your ability to function normally has already been drastically affected, there is hope.
Ps: Eradicate Every Bad Memory That Has Ever plagued Your Life Once And For All!
With the confidence,
If Your Dog Were Your Teacher...
You would learn stuff like...
* When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
* Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
* Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
* When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.
* Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
* Take naps and stretch before rising.
* Run, romp, and play daily.
* Thrive on attention and let people touch you
* Avoid biting, when a simple growl will do.
* On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
* On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree.
* When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
* No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout - run right back and make friends.
* Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
* Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
* Be loyal.
* Never pretend to be something you're not.
* If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
And MOST of all...
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
Do you know someone that needs a little motivation? A little inspiration?
Please help them out by sharing this.
Happy Sunday.
Fear of Failure
Most of us will stumble and fall in life.
Doors will get slammed in our faces, and we might make some bad decisions.
But imagine if Michael Jordan had given up on his dream to play basketball when he was cut from that team.
Imagine if Richard Branson had listened to the people who told him he'd never do anything worthwhile without a high school diploma.
Think of the opportunities you'll miss if you let your failures stop you.
Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have learned otherwise.
For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are.
Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.
I like what Thomas Edison said
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
My friend, whatever difficulties you face.
Don't give up!
Doors will get slammed in our faces, and we might make some bad decisions.
But imagine if Michael Jordan had given up on his dream to play basketball when he was cut from that team.
Imagine if Richard Branson had listened to the people who told him he'd never do anything worthwhile without a high school diploma.
Think of the opportunities you'll miss if you let your failures stop you.
Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have learned otherwise.
For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are.
Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.
I like what Thomas Edison said
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
My friend, whatever difficulties you face.
Don't give up!
Once upon a time, there were two neighbours living next to each other. One of them was a retired teacher and another was an insurance agent who had a lot of interest in technology. Both of them had planted different plants in their garden. The retired teacher was giving a small amount of water to his plants and didn’t always give a full attention to them, while the other neighbour interested in technology, had given a lot of water to his plants and looked after them too well.
The retired teachers plants were simple but looked good. The insurance agent’s plants were much fuller and greener. One day, during the night, there was a heavy rain and a wind due to a minor storm. Next morning, both of the neighbours came out to inspect the damage to their garden. The neighbour who was an insurance agent saw that his plants came off from the roots and were totally destroyed. But, the retired teachers plants were not damaged at all and were standing firm.
The insurance agent neighbour was surprised to see it, he went to the retired teacher and asked, “We both grew the same plants together, I actually looked after my plants better than you did for yours, and even gave them more water. Still, my plants came off from the roots, while yours didn’t. How is that possible?”
The retired teacher smiled and said, “You gave your plants more attention and water, but because of that they didn’t need to work themselves for it. You made it easy for them. While I gave them just an adequate amount of water and let their roots search for more. And, because of that, their roots went deeper and that made their position stronger. That is why my plants survived”.
Moral: This story is about parenting where children are like plants. If everything is given to them, they will not understand the hard work it takes to earn those things. They will not learn to work themselves and respect it. Sometimes it’s best to guide them instead of giving them. Teach them how to walk, but let them follow their path.
Enjoy your weekend.
Once upon a time, there were two neighbours living next to each other. One of them was a retired teacher and another was an insurance agent who had a lot of interest in technology. Both of them had planted different plants in their garden. The retired teacher was giving a small amount of water to his plants and didn’t always give a full attention to them, while the other neighbour interested in technology, had given a lot of water to his plants and looked after them too well.
The retired teachers plants were simple but looked good. The insurance agent’s plants were much fuller and greener. One day, during the night, there was a heavy rain and a wind due to a minor storm. Next morning, both of the neighbours came out to inspect the damage to their garden. The neighbour who was an insurance agent saw that his plants came off from the roots and were totally destroyed. But, the retired teachers plants were not damaged at all and were standing firm.
The insurance agent neighbour was surprised to see it, he went to the retired teacher and asked, “We both grew the same plants together, I actually looked after my plants better than you did for yours, and even gave them more water. Still, my plants came off from the roots, while yours didn’t. How is that possible?”
The retired teacher smiled and said, “You gave your plants more attention and water, but because of that they didn’t need to work themselves for it. You made it easy for them. While I gave them just an adequate amount of water and let their roots search for more. And, because of that, their roots went deeper and that made their position stronger. That is why my plants survived”.
Moral: This story is about parenting where children are like plants. If everything is given to them, they will not understand the hard work it takes to earn those things. They will not learn to work themselves and respect it. Sometimes it’s best to guide them instead of giving them. Teach them how to walk, but let them follow their path.
Enjoy your weekend.
The Winning Truth.
Here's the Winning Truth:-
Believe That There Is Always A Way
Don't Tell Me What We Don't Have, Tell Me What We Have
Never Make Excuses - Anyone And Everyone Does That - If You Need To Make An Excuse - Look In The Mirror
Champions Train Early In The Morning And Late At Night When Know One Is Watching
Quitting Is The Easiest Thing To Do - It Requires No Effort But Simply Walking Away (I Will Never Quit)
Winning Is The Most Important Thing (Anything Else Is An Excuse From A Loser)
I Will Have No Mercy For My Opponent
I Will Always Fight Until The End
I Do Believe
Increase Your Productivity
You can work more intently and for more hours each day if you’ll give yourself a break at least once per hour.
You won’t just get more done, you’ll be happier and less stressed too.
For most people, the ideal break schedule is a 5-minute break every 30 minutes or a 10-minute break every 60 minutes. It can also be helpful to take a longer break every 2-3 hours...
Breaks are enjoyable way to add hours to your day. Your output will increase and you’ll also enjoy your free time more since you won’t be exhausted. Give yourself a break today and enjoy the many benefits taking regular breaks provides...
Have a great week.
The Power of Saying "No"
Do you have difficulty in saying "No" to people?
"No" is such a simple word....only two letters. Yet saying "No" out loud is harder for most people than saying, "I'll be glad to..." (eleven letters)or "When do you need me to..." (seventeen letters)
Most of us said, "No!" quite well when we were two. After all, it's the two-year-old's job to say "No." The authority figures in our lives at the time, our parents, expect us to say "No." And it is because of "No" that the year is known as the Terrible Two's.
Many of us grow up to be people pleasers. The word "No" drops out of our vocabulary, and we substitute lots of ways to be agreeable and keep the other person happy. Saying "No" to the authority figures is not expected. And underneath it all we believe that saying "No" can cost us a lot in our adult life.
We all need to say “no” sometimes. However, "no” can be quite a challenge. A no that's poorly stated can be alienating, harmful, disruptive and damaging to both personal and professional relationships. Often times, turning down someone's request can be an awkward affair, and unintentionally offensive.
Here are some of the quick tips on how to say "No"
Be quick. Tell the person you can’t do it, and politely decline right away. That way you don’t hold up anyone else’s plans.
Be honest. Explain that you have other commitments and can’t make it.
Suggest an alternative. Name another person who might be able to take your place.
Ask for a raincheck. Sometimes we really do want to do something but just don’t have the time right then. Make a plan for the future so you still show good faith.
I hope this will power up your day! Let me know if you agree with this!
Hmmmmm! lesson filled. but
This is rather long but thought provoking...Gbenga Emiloju wrote:
Please read this... Carefully. It's rich and deep.
In 2010 I was a senior manager in a nice firm, my future was bright in the company and I was highly recommended for head of my department. There was a rising star as well, his name is Jacob. I tutored him and tried to manage his excesses because he was exceptionally brilliant. But, he was lazy and carefree. Hardly would he take corrections and rarely would he apologise.
My other colleagues wondered what I saw in him, but they weren’t working directly with him. I knew his type: he hated structure and would never last under a corporate environment. Still, he was a brilliant strategist. I handled him well and our results together with others on my team was highly commendable.
There came a time I was having marital issues and for this reason, I had little patience with Jacob and his shenanigans. I was short-tempered with him but he had gotten used to me managing his excesses, he didn’t take my anger seriously. In two weeks, I had given him 3 queries. This meant dismissal and when I was asked by HR if I truly wanted to let him go, I could not care less. I had my own problems and was not in the mood to babysit anyone.
Three years later, I lost my job because the company was downsizing and top management was affected. I foolishly assumed I would get a job anywhere so initially, I wasn’t worried. But 12 months in, I was still searching and my savings was dwindling fast. I decided, since I wasn’t getting any job, I’d drive my SUV as a cab to those commuting from the airport. This was better than waiting around for nothing…
The cab job surprisingly was not doing badly as I was picking up and dropping off esteemed clients. It wasn’t a lot of money but it was steady.
In July 2016, an esteemed client asked me to pick up his friend from the airport because his driver had flaked on him. This person I was to pick up would turn out to be Jacob. When he called to confirm his location, I instantly recognised his voice. My heart plunged but I wasn’t going to reject the job and disappoint a long-term client. Jacob exited the airport with only a hand luggage so there was no need for me to alight from the car. As he got in the car, I looked back from the driver’s seat to greet him but he was distracted on the phone and never looked up to notice me. He only answered my greeting and asked me to get going
As I drove him all the way to a hotel on the Island, I had tears in my eyes. He looked like he was doing well, his conversations on the phone also showed that he was in control. Jacob had done well for himself and I was now driving him. Life is tricky and has a way of making you the butt of its joke. I cannot lie that I was ashamed but I would never forgive myself if I let him go without letting him know I was proud of him.
We got to the hotel and I quickly got down from the car to open his door. This was when he noticed me. He was speechless for a while then he said in Yoruba “Oga you have been the one driving me since?” He was shocked at first but then he hugged me tight. The tears finally poured, I can’t really say what I felt but I know I didn’t expect his reaction.
“I heard you were let go, I sent you a message on my other number to find out how you were but you never responded”He said while still holding on to my shoulders
I remember receiving a message from him but he was one out of many that called or texted to pity me. I didn’t want anyone’s pity so I never responded.
Jacob made me park my car and took me in to his room to talk. He immediately told me about his new gig. After he was laid off, he got a consultation deal with a multinational which opened doors for him in other multinationals. Now, he has 15 people working for him but he was in desperate need of someone who does the same as him and he didn’t have to worry about their competence. He just wanted to focus more on bringing business to the company.
My life changed that day. I resumed work with Jacob in one week and I have made sure since then to treat his company as if it were mine.
I don’t know why he treated me so nicely after what I did to him but as men, we have never talked about it. I am sure though, that he can feel my gratitude in the way I work and my zeal in doing all I can to make sure he doesn’t have to worry about the back-end.
I hope someone learns from this. lf the world turns upside down, you may end up cleaning for your cleaner. Please always remember this when you act without consideration of the other person’s future.
Please read this... Carefully. It's rich and deep.
In 2010 I was a senior manager in a nice firm, my future was bright in the company and I was highly recommended for head of my department. There was a rising star as well, his name is Jacob. I tutored him and tried to manage his excesses because he was exceptionally brilliant. But, he was lazy and carefree. Hardly would he take corrections and rarely would he apologise.
My other colleagues wondered what I saw in him, but they weren’t working directly with him. I knew his type: he hated structure and would never last under a corporate environment. Still, he was a brilliant strategist. I handled him well and our results together with others on my team was highly commendable.
There came a time I was having marital issues and for this reason, I had little patience with Jacob and his shenanigans. I was short-tempered with him but he had gotten used to me managing his excesses, he didn’t take my anger seriously. In two weeks, I had given him 3 queries. This meant dismissal and when I was asked by HR if I truly wanted to let him go, I could not care less. I had my own problems and was not in the mood to babysit anyone.
Three years later, I lost my job because the company was downsizing and top management was affected. I foolishly assumed I would get a job anywhere so initially, I wasn’t worried. But 12 months in, I was still searching and my savings was dwindling fast. I decided, since I wasn’t getting any job, I’d drive my SUV as a cab to those commuting from the airport. This was better than waiting around for nothing…
The cab job surprisingly was not doing badly as I was picking up and dropping off esteemed clients. It wasn’t a lot of money but it was steady.
In July 2016, an esteemed client asked me to pick up his friend from the airport because his driver had flaked on him. This person I was to pick up would turn out to be Jacob. When he called to confirm his location, I instantly recognised his voice. My heart plunged but I wasn’t going to reject the job and disappoint a long-term client. Jacob exited the airport with only a hand luggage so there was no need for me to alight from the car. As he got in the car, I looked back from the driver’s seat to greet him but he was distracted on the phone and never looked up to notice me. He only answered my greeting and asked me to get going
As I drove him all the way to a hotel on the Island, I had tears in my eyes. He looked like he was doing well, his conversations on the phone also showed that he was in control. Jacob had done well for himself and I was now driving him. Life is tricky and has a way of making you the butt of its joke. I cannot lie that I was ashamed but I would never forgive myself if I let him go without letting him know I was proud of him.
We got to the hotel and I quickly got down from the car to open his door. This was when he noticed me. He was speechless for a while then he said in Yoruba “Oga you have been the one driving me since?” He was shocked at first but then he hugged me tight. The tears finally poured, I can’t really say what I felt but I know I didn’t expect his reaction.
“I heard you were let go, I sent you a message on my other number to find out how you were but you never responded”He said while still holding on to my shoulders
I remember receiving a message from him but he was one out of many that called or texted to pity me. I didn’t want anyone’s pity so I never responded.
Jacob made me park my car and took me in to his room to talk. He immediately told me about his new gig. After he was laid off, he got a consultation deal with a multinational which opened doors for him in other multinationals. Now, he has 15 people working for him but he was in desperate need of someone who does the same as him and he didn’t have to worry about their competence. He just wanted to focus more on bringing business to the company.
My life changed that day. I resumed work with Jacob in one week and I have made sure since then to treat his company as if it were mine.
I don’t know why he treated me so nicely after what I did to him but as men, we have never talked about it. I am sure though, that he can feel my gratitude in the way I work and my zeal in doing all I can to make sure he doesn’t have to worry about the back-end.
I hope someone learns from this. lf the world turns upside down, you may end up cleaning for your cleaner. Please always remember this when you act without consideration of the other person’s future.
It's in YOU.
Did you know that at Harvard, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, the most popular and successful course teaches you how to learn to be happier?
The Positive Psychology class taught by Ben Shahar attracts 1400 students per semester and 20% of Harvard graduates take this elective course.
According to Ben Shahar, the class - which focuses on happiness, self-esteem and motivation - gives students the tools to succeed and face life with more joy._This 35-year-old teacher, considered by some to be "the happiness guru", highlights in his class 14 key tips for improving the quality of our personal status and contributing to a positive life:
🚩Tip 1. *Thank God for everything you have*: Write down 10 things you have in your life that give you happiness. Focus on the good things!
🚩Tip 2. *Practice physical activity* Experts say exercising helps improve mood. 30 minutes of exercise is the best antidote against sadness and stress.
🚩Tip 3. *Breakfast:* Some people miss breakfast for lack of time or not to get fat. Studies show that breakfast gives you energy, helps you think and perform your activities successfully.
🚩Tip 4. *Be Assertive*: Ask what you want and say what you think. Being assertive helps improve your self-esteem. Being left and remaining silent creates sadness and hopelessness.
🚩Tip 5. *Spend your money on experiences*..a study found that 75% of people felt happier when they invested their money in travel, courses and classes; While only the rest said they felt happier when buying things.
🚩Tip 6. *Face your challenges*: Studies show that the more you postpone something, the more anxiety and tension you generate. Write short weekly lists of tasks and complete them.
🚩Tip 7. *Put everywhere nice memories, phrases and photos of your loved ones*: Fill your fridge, your computer, your desk, your room, YOUR LIFE of beautiful memories.
🚩Tip 8. *Always greet and be nice to other people*: More than 10
0 inquiries state that just smiling changes the mood.
🚩Tip 9. *Wear comfortable shoes*: If your feet hurt you, you become moody, says Dr. Keinth Wapner, President of the American Orthopedics Association.
🚩Tip 10. *Take care of your posture*: Walk straight with your shoulders slightly backwards and the front view helps to maintain a good mood.
🚩Tip 11. *Listen to music* (Praise God): It is proven that listening to music awakens you to sing, this will make your life happy.
🚩Tip 12. *What you eat has an impact on your mood*:- Do not skip meals, eat lightly every 3 to 4 hours and keep glucose levels stable.- Avoid excess white flour and sugar.- Eat everything! Healthy- Vary your food.
🚩Tip 13. *Take care of yourself and feel attractive*:70% of people say they feel happier when they think they look good.
🚩Tip 14. *Fervently believe in God*: With Him nothing is impossible!
Happiness is like a remote control, we lose it every time, we go crazy looking for it and many times without knowing it, we are sitting on top of it... 👍👍🙏
The Positive Psychology class taught by Ben Shahar attracts 1400 students per semester and 20% of Harvard graduates take this elective course.
According to Ben Shahar, the class - which focuses on happiness, self-esteem and motivation - gives students the tools to succeed and face life with more joy._This 35-year-old teacher, considered by some to be "the happiness guru", highlights in his class 14 key tips for improving the quality of our personal status and contributing to a positive life:
🚩Tip 1. *Thank God for everything you have*: Write down 10 things you have in your life that give you happiness. Focus on the good things!
🚩Tip 2. *Practice physical activity* Experts say exercising helps improve mood. 30 minutes of exercise is the best antidote against sadness and stress.
🚩Tip 3. *Breakfast:* Some people miss breakfast for lack of time or not to get fat. Studies show that breakfast gives you energy, helps you think and perform your activities successfully.
🚩Tip 4. *Be Assertive*: Ask what you want and say what you think. Being assertive helps improve your self-esteem. Being left and remaining silent creates sadness and hopelessness.
🚩Tip 5. *Spend your money on experiences*..a study found that 75% of people felt happier when they invested their money in travel, courses and classes; While only the rest said they felt happier when buying things.
🚩Tip 6. *Face your challenges*: Studies show that the more you postpone something, the more anxiety and tension you generate. Write short weekly lists of tasks and complete them.
🚩Tip 7. *Put everywhere nice memories, phrases and photos of your loved ones*: Fill your fridge, your computer, your desk, your room, YOUR LIFE of beautiful memories.
🚩Tip 8. *Always greet and be nice to other people*: More than 10
0 inquiries state that just smiling changes the mood.
🚩Tip 9. *Wear comfortable shoes*: If your feet hurt you, you become moody, says Dr. Keinth Wapner, President of the American Orthopedics Association.
🚩Tip 10. *Take care of your posture*: Walk straight with your shoulders slightly backwards and the front view helps to maintain a good mood.
🚩Tip 11. *Listen to music* (Praise God): It is proven that listening to music awakens you to sing, this will make your life happy.
🚩Tip 12. *What you eat has an impact on your mood*:- Do not skip meals, eat lightly every 3 to 4 hours and keep glucose levels stable.- Avoid excess white flour and sugar.- Eat everything! Healthy- Vary your food.
🚩Tip 13. *Take care of yourself and feel attractive*:70% of people say they feel happier when they think they look good.
🚩Tip 14. *Fervently believe in God*: With Him nothing is impossible!
Happiness is like a remote control, we lose it every time, we go crazy looking for it and many times without knowing it, we are sitting on top of it... 👍👍🙏
Fear of Failure
Most of us will stumble and fall in life.
Doors will get
slammed in our faces, and we might make some bad decisions.
But imagine if Michael Jordan had given up on his
dream to play basketball when he was cut from that team.
Imagine if Richard Branson had listened to the people who told him he'd never do anything worthwhile without a high school diploma.
Think of
the opportunities you'll miss if you let your failures stop you.
Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have learned otherwise.
instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are.
Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected
motivation to succeed.
I like what Thomas Edison said "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
My friend, whatever difficulties you face.
Don't give up!
Life is about balance. The good and the bad. The highs and the lows. The thing everyone should realize is that the key to happiness is being happy by yourself and for yourself. Happiness comes from within. You have the power to change your own mindset so that all the negative, horrible thoughts that try to invade your psyche are replaced with happy, positive, wonderful thoughts. -- Ellen DeGeneres
Charity wrapped in dignity
Charity wrapped in dignity🕴🕴🕴
She asked him, "How much are you selling the eggs for?"
The old seller replied to her, "Rs.5/- for one egg, Madam."
She said to him, "I will take 6 eggs for Rs.25/- or I will leave."
The old seller replied, "Come take them at the price you want. May God bless us, and maybe this is a good beginning because I have not been able sell to anyone today."
She took it and walked away with a feeling that she has won. She got into her fancy car and went to pick her friend, and invited her to a posh restaurant.
She and her friend sat down and ordered what they liked. They ate a little and left a lot of what they ordered.
Then she went to pay the bill. The bill was Rs.1,400/-. She gave him Rs. 1,500/- and said to the owner of the restaurant: "Keep the change."
This incident may seem quite normal to the owner of the restaurant. But it is very painful for the poor egg seller.
The bottom line is:
Why do we always show that we have the power when we buy from the needy and the poor? And why are we generous with those who do not need our generosity ?
Every time a poor child comes to me to sell something simple, I remember a tweet from the son of a rich man who said, "After every prayer my father used to buy simple goods from poor people at expensive prices, even though he did not need them.
Sometimes he used to pay more for them. I used to get concerned by this act and I asked him about it. Then my father told me: 'It is a charity wrapped with dignity, my son.'"
Compare these two stories of social hypocrisy.
The first one is disappointing and the second one is inspiring.
One day, a school teacher wrote on the board the following:
When He was done, he looked back at the students and they were all *laughing at him because of the first equation which was wrong.*
Then the teacher said the following:
I wrote the first equation wrong on purpose, because I wanted you to learn *Something important.*
This was for you to know how the world out there will TREAT you!
You can see that I wrote the *RIGHT thing nine times*, but none of you congratulated me for it.
But you all laughed and criticized me because of *one wrong thing* I did.
*The lesson is:*
The world Will Never Appreciate the good you do *a million times*, but will Criticize the *one wrong thing* you do.
So don't Get Discouraged!
Don't *Look Up* to man; *look Up to God!*
*This is worth sharing.*
Based on the parable of the unmerciful servant who received mercy but didn't pass it on.
Once batons become owned, love stops flowing...we are carriers of the baton of love, grace, mercy and forgiveness not keepers...
Church history has been the erratic story of a church that's either passed the baton on or kept and warehoused it.
Nobody owns the baton
Batons can't be handled twice
Batons can't be dropped
Batons are passed in motion
Batons must be passed in a zone...delayed passing like delayed love is a fail.
Selective love
Controlling love
Conditional love
Protected love
Manipulative love
Coercive love...are not valid batons.
WE ARE SERVANTS OF THE BATON and few things make God as angry as when people who've received his love, mercy, grace and forgiveness...don't pass it on.
Have a great week ahead and remember to keep passing on love as you are receiving.
Here are 5 choices that are bad for your metabolism:
5) Not drinking enough water
Being dehydrated slows down your metabolism. Studies show that by staying hydrated throughout the day, people feel less hungry, more energized and they even experience less bloating.
Drink a glass of water first thing when you wake up. You lose a surprising amount of water while you are sleeping, so rehydrating first thing in the morning will wake you up, flush you out and get you off to a good start.
4) Sitting for hours at a time
They say sitting is the new smoking and for good reason. New research is coming out that shows the more you sit, the higher your risk for heart problems, obesity and even early death. One of the reasons for this is that when you’re sitting down, your body goes into rest mode and your metabolism burns fewer calories and less fat. Do that all day and you’re sabotaging your ability to burn fat.
If you have a job that requires you sit for most of the day, set reminders to stand up and walk around every hour. If you’re someone who just sits a lot because of TV and media, try to find a podcast or audiobook you can listen to while you go for walks or move around your house instead.
3) Keeping your room warm
This is a cool one (pun intended!). New research has come out that shows that keeping your room cool at night and throughout the day can increase your metabolism and accelerate fat burn. One study found that people who kept their rooms at 66° F or cooler burned nearly twice as much brown fat as those who didn’t. Brown fat is what our bodies use as fuel to keep warm, so going outside often during the cooler months and keeping your house frosty can keep you fit.
Turn down the heat!
2) Not getting enough Zzzz’s
Not getting enough sleep is one of the most common ways to slow down your metabolism. You end up burning fewer calories and your body becomes less efficient at utilizing sugar, storing more of it as fat.
Go to bed early or hit the snooze button because this is one metabolic speed bump that is easy to avoid.
1) Eating ‘diet’ foods
These foods bring your metabolism to a halt. Most of them contain artificial sweeteners that can increase your appetite later on and can even cause your body to hold onto more fat in the long run.
Luckily there are foods that you can and should eat that have the opposite effect.
5) Not drinking enough water
Being dehydrated slows down your metabolism. Studies show that by staying hydrated throughout the day, people feel less hungry, more energized and they even experience less bloating.
Drink a glass of water first thing when you wake up. You lose a surprising amount of water while you are sleeping, so rehydrating first thing in the morning will wake you up, flush you out and get you off to a good start.
4) Sitting for hours at a time
They say sitting is the new smoking and for good reason. New research is coming out that shows the more you sit, the higher your risk for heart problems, obesity and even early death. One of the reasons for this is that when you’re sitting down, your body goes into rest mode and your metabolism burns fewer calories and less fat. Do that all day and you’re sabotaging your ability to burn fat.
If you have a job that requires you sit for most of the day, set reminders to stand up and walk around every hour. If you’re someone who just sits a lot because of TV and media, try to find a podcast or audiobook you can listen to while you go for walks or move around your house instead.
3) Keeping your room warm
This is a cool one (pun intended!). New research has come out that shows that keeping your room cool at night and throughout the day can increase your metabolism and accelerate fat burn. One study found that people who kept their rooms at 66° F or cooler burned nearly twice as much brown fat as those who didn’t. Brown fat is what our bodies use as fuel to keep warm, so going outside often during the cooler months and keeping your house frosty can keep you fit.
Turn down the heat!
2) Not getting enough Zzzz’s
Not getting enough sleep is one of the most common ways to slow down your metabolism. You end up burning fewer calories and your body becomes less efficient at utilizing sugar, storing more of it as fat.
Go to bed early or hit the snooze button because this is one metabolic speed bump that is easy to avoid.
1) Eating ‘diet’ foods
These foods bring your metabolism to a halt. Most of them contain artificial sweeteners that can increase your appetite later on and can even cause your body to hold onto more fat in the long run.
Luckily there are foods that you can and should eat that have the opposite effect.
Will heartbreak make you bitter and mean?
Or will it make you understanding and kind?
Will it make you appreciate the love that is REAL in your life? Will it make you more selective with the love you give to others?
How has heartbreak changed who you are?
Are you better or worse than you were before heartbreak? If you feel like your worse...what can you do to improve that?
Come into the territory of a lioness and think you will be safe. You will not.
Don't underestimate the ability of the lioness to be cunning and conniving.
The lioness knows many
other animals in the jungle, and can make it very difficult for you to thrive.
Perhaps you'd be better off going to a different territory....if you want to ever succeed at your goal. ;)
You Can
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
People that have affected the world today are ordinary people like you but they took responsibility as a fuel that propel them to become extra ordinary human beings they are today.
You can...
Yes, you can...
The largest room in the world today, is the room for improvement.
Have a fun-filled weekend.
People that have affected the world today are ordinary people like you but they took responsibility as a fuel that propel them to become extra ordinary human beings they are today.
You can...
Yes, you can...
The largest room in the world today, is the room for improvement.
Have a fun-filled weekend.
A 30 year-old son decided to admit his father into an old peoples home as desired by his wife. He brought the father in a car to an old peoples home run by a Catholic priest.
Then appeared this elderly priest, who came out to have a long chat with the old man.
The son wondered and asked the priest whether he knew his father before, since they were talking as though they knew each other.
The priest replied, yes, and continued, "He came here 30 years back and took with him a very sick orphan boy who everyone else had rejected for adoption.
This man gave that boy a home and save his life. He told us this little boy deserves better and I'll dedicate my life to make him the wealthiest young man when he turns 25".
The priest continued, "I don't know how long you have known him but I can tell you he is a good man and I am glad to inform you that you were the sick boy".
The boy, on hearing this, fell on his knees and begged the old man for forgiveness.
The old man looked at him with a smile and said, "Son, I have forgiven you. You threw me out of my own home because of your wife.
Take the house, but know that I have removed you from my documents as the sole heir of my empire.
I have willed all my properties to this orphanage where I now belong."
At the height of your success don't forget where you are coming from, if not you will miss your destination and lose your Crown.
I pray we will not forget those who helped us to get to the top.
Deep message!
Shared unedited
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