Forgiveness- The Secret to Healing The Soul.

Hi Everyone,

Learning to Forgive
We all harbour the wish to heal our emotional wounds. What exactly is forgiveness?

Forgiveness is not just saying "I forgive you."It is an active, conscious decision to let go of anger, resentment and bitterness, and to do so regardless of whether the object of anger seems worthy of being forgiven.

In fact, the moment you form a thought of forgiveness, the process of forgiveness will already begun. Forgiveness calm stress levels, leading to improved health. As you clear your head-space of feelings of hostility, you being to feel empathy, compassion, and sometimes even affection for the person who wronged you.

When faced with a forgiveness dilemma, practice using the following:

1. Accept- Forgiveness that is rooted in the insight that no one is perfect will bring you some healing even if the other person never apologizes.

2. Visualize- The more you envisage sending love to others, the greater your own positive energy levels.

3. Empathize- Put yourself in the other party's position Do not be quick to judge others or take things personally. In some situations, it's not possible to empathize with the other person. But it is always possible to empathize with yourself, which means giving yourself the gift of letting go.

Have a great day.

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