'Perfection' Can Be The Enemy Of Success (Success Secrets - Series 3)

This might seem controversial and may even challenge your beliefs.

Being a perfectionist can be one of the most destructive habits when it comes to success.

Fear of not being able to do it right stops people from ever starting. However, nothing worth doing was ever done perfectly the first time!

It's the decision to act which counts, to get going, to move in the direction you want to go, to just take that very first step!

"You don't have to get it right... You just have to get it going"
Imperfections can be fixed down the track.
I once heard someone say, "Perfect is the enemy of the good". I understand it's a noble belief to do things 'right' however what's the point in having goals if they are never achieved because they are burdened by this 'perfection' milestone?

Consider this quick step formula instead:-
1. Start immediately
2. Improve it until its good
3. Finish
4. Get feedback
5. Polish it until it's very good.
Remember, absolutely nothing happens until you start.

Note: Just begin, even if what you start ends up nothing like the finished article. If you are selling to a marketplace, get something out there and then get feedback from the marketplace to perfect your product or service.

The "Success Six" (Success Secrets - Series 2)

Successful people do things in order of importance.

How many times have you put off something important which needed doing to spend your time on doing something unnecessary, unproductive and unimportant instead?

I believe your time is precious.

Isn't it worth taking a little time to make sure you make the most out of what you have left in the world?

If it's worth doing, it's worth planning. It's worth spending 5 minutes planning out your next day.
Step 1: Write down the SIX most important activities for you to complete the following day. Mike Litman, No 1 best- selling author of 'Conversations with Millionaires' calls these "The Success Six".
Step 2: Then, number your written down activities for the next day 1 to 6 in order of importance because the golden key to successful planning is prioritization.
Step 3: The following day start with number one and continue with it until it's completed. Don't worry if you haven't completed all of them by the end of the day. At least you will have completed the most important projects.

Stop right now. Get out a piece of paper and plan out tomorrow with you 'Success Six'.

Note: Get yourself a small notepad of 5" by 8" and write down you daily plans in order of prioritization. When you complete a task, cross out the item straight away. I always cross them out with a thick pink pen. Meaning, satisfaction guaranteed. 


Love goes beyond romance, it's caring for someone more than yourself, sharing your strength and taking from his to shore up your own weakness.
Love is understanding his life and trying to make it easier and more pleasant and vice- versa.
Love is a long path and to achieve it one need understanding and compassion.