Be Receptive Always to Receiving

Hello Everyone, 

How open are you to receiving? Remember, the law of attraction requires you to be open to receiving continually. Thus, your beliefs system or mentality if care is not taking can have an impact on your ability to receive. 

Allow me to explain further. What you think about and believe is what you end up with in life. For instance, if you were raised in poverty, you may have taken on a scarcity mindset early on in life, and therefore, even as an adult, you can't break the cycle of poverty in your life. 

Why? Because not only are your thoughts inundated with poverty and lack, but you truly believe that poverty and barely getting by is all you can have.

When your mind is consumed with thoughts of lack, you are unable to receive gifts or any blessings that may come your way because you are not open to receive them.

The problem with poverty or scarcity mindset, is the person truly believes that he or she is not deserving of any goodness that may come his or her way. The belief held on to is that life is about working hard and struggling. Therefore, even accepting a compliment is very difficult for people who believe struggling through life and barely getting by is the only way to live. When you are not open to even accepting a compliment, it is difficult to allow yourself to be open to everything that life has to offer.

Perhaps you have heard someone say, "change your thoughts, and change your life" and there is so much truth to this because until you change your thoughts, you truly will never have everything you want or be open to receiving what you want. 

Therefore, the next question is, how do you change your thinking? The first step is knowing what you want, it is not enough to say, "I want a better life" this is too vague, you need to decide exactly what you want. Perhaps you want to make a specific amount of money in one month or an annual salary, then you need to set the dollar amount in your mind, because that is what you want to receive, and it is specific.

Next, you need to cultivate what you want with your attention, focus on seeing this desire and how open you are to receiving and using this extra money. Be grateful for this new blessing of money you are making, and always see it in the present tense, even if you are currently living hand to mouth.

By doing so, you are beginning to attract what you want and setting yourself in a place of being open to receive. Spend time seeing yourself in a new home or car and using the new blessing of extra money in your life to pay for everything you want and helping others to learn how to be open to receive.

Unfortunately, where people (maybe you) get stuck is not allowing the manifestation in their lives, because the scarcity mindset can block you from receiving what your mind has put into motion. What this mindset amounts to is doubt. Therefore, the more you replace doubts with thanksgiving, the easier it will be for what you want to actually be realized in your life. What you think about and believe, will become your reality when you are open to receive it.

If you found this article very helpful please be sure to share with your family, friends and possibly your enemies if you do have.

Wishing you a wonderful and an amazing day.


Three Simple Rules in Life: 

1. If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. 

2. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO. 

3. If you do not step forward, you'll always be in the same Cheers. 

The message is powerful... 

BE the kind of person who always takes action. 

LIVE life on YOUR terms - Make your life happen on purpose. 

Manifest your DREAMS, take action.


The Supports Woman needs from her Man

The main ingredients a woman need in her man – Being in a relationship is not as simple, as it may seem. You need to work out a few kinks here and there, because maintaining a good, happy and healthy relationship will require both partners to work together.

Women, for example, will need more support, when it comes to emotional side of relationship, this is why it’s important for a woman to find a gentleman that will be able to give her the support she needs in areas where she needs it the most. Below are some important aspects, when it comes to relationship advice for women to help all ladies in their search for Mr. Right: 

1. Trust: The number one relationship killer is dishonesty. Trust is the main ingredient in any kind of healthy relationship, more so between a man and a woman. Being open and honest with each other is also among the best dating tips since forever. Remember that building trust is hard, but ruining it can take only minutes. Put this among your top priorities with your partner and you will avoid unnecessary quarrels.

2. Communication: For women, there is nothing better than a man who listens to them. A man who can listen to his lady’s needs and give her what she requires is what all women wish for their partner. Women are more sensitive emotionally, which means that they will need some extra support in that aspect. A man who will wholeheartedly listen to his partner will also ensure that their relationship will stay strong and endure all storms of life.

3. Emotional support: Relationships are a multi level process. In each of these levels comes certain moments, wherein a woman will need her partner to give her support. Having a strong shoulder of loving man to lean on is a necessity for every lady. For a woman, this is, certainly, one of the best feelings she can experience most especially in her trials of life. Supporting each other will not only help you through difficult times, but also will strengthen your relationship to produce a positive results. 

4. Physical Support: Being able to offer not only emotional, but also physical support is just as important. A woman needs some rest from her busy schedule every once in a while and having her partner take over some of the jobs at home is a great sign that he appreciates everything she does, loves her and cares.

5. Intimacy: Yes, this is just as important as anything else in a healthy relationship. Being able to complement each other physically and showing it – is a great way to spice up a relationship and is a staple of love advice. Think of this as that special topping on your dessert, it shouldn’t be the main focus, but it certainly helps the overall look of the dessert, right?!

6. Romantic: Nothing sweeps a woman off her feet faster, than when her loving partner surprises her romantically. Being romantic will always have a woman swoon, time and time again. No matter how cheesy the gift may be, as long as it’s straight from the heart, then, no woman can resist being flustered. This is one of the vital dating tips for women, but especially for men.

7. Independence: One of the main ingredients of any healthy relationship is having independence. This is the final step you take in dating, before going through the next chapter in both of your lives. A man who is independent will be able to show the woman that he is ready to take care of her.


Health Risk Associated With Singleness...

A lot of factors affect our long-term health, including family medical history and our personal habits. How about your relationship status? Some research indicates that the longer you stay single, the higher your risk of dying younger that your married peers.

Here are some of the risk...

• Single people experience more of a risk of heart health problems. A study from the American College of Cardiology showed that single people were 5 percent more apt to develop heart disease. It’s hard to explain why, but it might be taken into consideration that people who are married are more likely to have spouses that watch what they eat and encourage consistent medical check ups.

• The same study showed that single people tend to be smokers more often than married people, and that alone brings on its own set of health risks.
In addition to the addiction to smoking, single people tend to be more likely to have other risk-related habits than their married peers, such as depression, excessive thinking, alcohol or drugs.

• Studies have also shown that married people have fewer accidents that single people, with single women in particular having the highest number. In fact, single and/or divorced women are nearly twice as likely to be involved in an accident. Reason being that married women have emotional attachments to their home (family) as against single women. 

• On the work front, married folks have fewer annual sick days on average that their single peers. Once study showed that a married person has an average of six sick days a year, compared to 7.3 for singles and 9.8 for divorced and widowed folks.
Explanations as to why married people tend to be healthy point to these concepts: 
  • Married people tend to have better health habits. 
  • Married folks have more support around them.
  • ​Married people may be better off financially and be more apt to have health insurance. 
Again, a lot depends on a person’s family history and their own eating and exercise habits, but it also seems on the plus side to have someone else around who cares about your health.
