Wonderful Ways to Use Your Words

A word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver.—Proverbs 25:11

Words matter.

They can build up or tear down. They can impart wisdom or bring shame. They can deliver encouragement or deflate the spirit. Words can be a weapon or a healing balm. A welcome sound or a dreaded racket. And words can even change the world. Who knows just how many pivotal points in history would have been changed if someone had used their words differently.

Five Powerful Phrases to Speak to Your Spouse

I trust your judgment.
I’m glad I married you.
Here is what I appreciate most about you...
I am with you.
Being your wife has taught me...

Five Powerful Phrases to Speak to Your Child

You can do it.
A happy memory I have of when you were younger is...
I am confident you can make good choices.
Being your mom has taught me...
God has an amazing life planned for you.

Five Powerful Phrases to Speak to Your Parent

I’m not sure if I’ve ever told you before, but thank you for...
A wonderful memory I have of my childhood is...
I admire your strength.
How can I help you?
I am proud of you for...

Five Powerful Phrases to Speak to Your Friend

My favourite thing about our friendship is...
The best time I ever had with you was when...
I am with you all the way.
The character quality I most admire in you is...
You remind me of Jesus when you...

Your Turn...

Do you sometimes feel like you have very little influence in the lives around you?
What are you talking about?!
Your words, your speech, the way you talk — you have tremendous power!
And your life-giving words are needed by the people around you — family, friends, neighbors, pastors, co-workers, bosses, and every person you interact within your normal daily routine.
Who needs your encouraging words today?
Your words are sure to bless your recipient!


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