Skill Integration.


I think we would all agree that learning a new and 
potentially life changing skill can be pretty exciting. 

But let’s be honest here… 

There’s a huge difference between learning a new 
skill and actually integrating that skill into your life. 

In fact, this is the number one reason why people 
with really good intentions still fail to turn new skills into results 97% of the time. 

That’s where habit triggers can change everything. 

You see, it takes about 21 days to turn a new skill into 
a habit. 

This is the critical "make it or break it" phase! During this 21 day integration stage you need some way to trigger yourself into performing that new skill 
repeatedly until it becomes almost automatic. 

That’s when it becomes a habit, and that’s when you 
start to see results. Until then it’s just academic. 

So, now you know how habit triggers work and why they are so important to your success in life and in 

They are the secret tool that will get you from wanting to do something to improve your life, to actually doing it consistently enough to produce meaningful results so that you can start living a more successful life. That’s it for now!

 Until next time, live life to the full, 


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