
Hi dearie,

Today, I would like to share with you a short story on gratitude:

One day, a rich dad took his son on a trip.
He wanted to show his son how poor someone can be, to teach his son to appreciate what they have.

They spent time on the farm of a poor family.
On the way home, dad asked, "Did you see how poor they are? What did you learn?".

Son said,
"We have one dog, they have four.
We have pool, they have rivers.
We have lanterns at night, they have stars.
We buy foods, they grow theirs.
We have walls to protect us, they have friends.
We have encyclopedias, they have Bible."

And the son added on, to the amusement of his dad, "Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are."

From this story...I learnt that being rich and wealthy is not solely determined by how much money we have.

Being wealthy, is a matter of perspective.

Today my reader,

Choose to take on a perspective of gratitude...

Because that is what makes you Rich....and see how your world changes with it.


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