MY FRIDAY STORY - A Story of 2 pockets

There is an old legend which mentioned about 3 people who have 2 pockets at their necks, one in front of them, one behind them.

Someone asked the first person what was inside his pocket. He answered," The first one is for all the good deeds of friends, to prevent them from being seen by others and forgotten easily. The one in front is the unfortunate incidents. This way, when I walk forward,I can stop often, and observe these things from different angles."

As a result, since he often thought about unfortunate events, he could not walk many steps in a day.

Someone asked the second person what was in his pockets. He replied," The front pocket contains all my good deeds. I put them in front, so that I can show to others. The back pocket stores the mistakes I have made and I will bring them wherever I go. They are heavy and I can't walk fast. But due to certain reasons, I can't throw them away."

Someone asked the third person what he put in his pockets. He answered," My front pocket contains all the positive thoughts of others, the good deeds they have done and all the blessings in my life. This pocket is big and is full. yet it is not heavy and can carry me forward. The pocket behind is empty because I poked a hole in it. I put the evil deeds of others and all my negative thoughts in the pocket behind, so they will drop out from the pocket and I won't see them anymore. Then, my journey becomes much easier."

Hope you enjoy this story :)

Are you doing what the third person is doing?

If you do, then you will be happier.

There are some things that propel us forward in life and on the other hand, there are some which slow us down.

Love + Respect.

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