The only Valentine that ever exist is in GOD
Today's Topic: What Love is not
1. Love is not sex.
2. Love is not beauty or handsomeness.
3. Love is not cheap.
4. Love is not sampling.
5. Love is not secret, Love is open.
6. Love is not fame or family background.
7. Love is not just for the sweet times alone but also for the tough times.
8. Love is not blind.
9. Love is not pretense or deceitful.
Every man that is still cleaving to his parents after marriage is not normal
You must leave to cleave to your wife.
Any man that loves you will not tell you to go out of the order of your Creator.
Every sex outside marriage will destroy your destiny
God is angry with many people because destinies are altered due to sex
Why are you selling your DESTINY cheaply?
If you marry beauty, you may be marrying wrongly
Beauty can never satisfy you
For every LOVE in life, you must be ready to pay for it.
Any man that samples does not love.
If you are sampling around, you are an enemy of progress.
It is better to be late and end up in a sweet home.
If you don't see future in a man, don't marry him.
Many are FALLING in love instead of STANDING in love.
The best love in life is the LOVE OF JESUS.
Happy Valentine's Day.
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